We offer counseling at the QZEF:
On-site, by phone, by mail or online
We set up appointments by mail or phone.
Mail: beratung(at)queeres-zentrum-erfurt.de
Our Phone number is: +49 361-213 468 40
Who is the counseling addressing?
We offer counseling for people of the LGBTQIA+ community, which means:
aromantic and asexual,
agender people
and people who are insecure or have questions regarding their identity and/or their gender.
We also offer counseling for parents, families, partners, relatives and friends.
What does the counseling serve?
The counseling is confidential, open-ended and free of charge.
Our counseling service however is not a therapeutic offer.
If there is a need for such offer, we are happy to help with contact details or information.
Counseling can be requested as often as it is appropriate for the respective circumstances of life.
Counseling is not mandatory and can be stopped anytime.
You can come alone or accompanied on request.
Counseling is anonymous on request.
We offer counseling in German (spoken language).
Counseling in other languages is possible on request.
If we can‘t give advice on a topic, we will support you in your search for qualified experts (referral advice).
What are the topics of the counseling?
It is very different with which concerns people come into a counseling session, this depends on your life situation.
Possible topics could be:
transition (legal actions and medical options),
coming out,
gender identity,
sexual identity,
recommendations for psychologists and reviewers,
sexual and general health,
experiences of discrimination,
personal decision-making processes,
conflict situations,
dealing with authorities/ school/ employers,
life beyond the “classical gender”,
financial concerns,
family problems
and much more.