Date/Time Events Location
27. December 2025
15:00 - 17:00
Are you interested in talking with other queers about family planning, childbearing, and/or the realities of different queer family models? Then you’ve come to the right place. Once a month we meet for an open exchange at the Queer Center in Erfurt. Whether you are single, with a partner or partners, with children or without [...]

Queeres Zentrum Erfurt, Erfurt
A*Spec Erfurt
28. December 2025
16:00 - 18:00
A*Spec Erfurt
You identify yourself as a-, demi-, grey- *sexual and/ or *romantic or you feel otherwise belonging to the A* spectrum? Maybe you’re not really sure about your Aidentity yet and have a thousand questions in your head? If you are looking for other people on the ASpectrum with whom you can share your feelings, thoughts, [...]

Queeres Zentrum Erfurt, Erfurt
Queer bouldering group Erfurt
30. December 2025
18:30 - 20:30
Queer bouldering group Erfurt
Do you like to boulder, are you looking for a new group and want to boulder together with others from the community? Or you always wanted to try yourself on the wall, but still need a push? Or you just want to meet new people? Then we look forward to meeting you! The queer bouldering [...]

Kletterhalle Nordwand, Erfurt
11 12 13 14 15 16

You can also visit with us this exhibition.